Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A lovely day with family.....

Yesterday was my grandma Price's funeral. We all (except for Marcus) were able to attend and participate. They had the grand kids sing a song and like always I cannot sing at funerals and make it through the song with out crying my eyes out. It helped that I was holding Coen during the song and I actually believe a few words were able to come out. John and his siblings decided to have a similar service my grandpa Price had almost a year ago by remembering them through music. Both grandparents loved to hear and play music and shared that love with their kids. John and his sister played a duet, Tea for Two, that was amazing. I have always enjoyed watching John play the piano over the years. Damen did well during the viewing that morning and during the funeral, but last night when I was tucking him in bed he broke down and cried. Its hard for him to understand why his grandparents cannot be "fixed". Then he cried about his grandpa Manwill and how much he misses him. It was a rough night until he finally fell asleep......thank you Melatonin! Damen is very sensitive and he loves his grandparents. All of them have been a big part of his life, and mine 2!

1 comment:

Marcae said...

I'm sorry to hear about your grandma. She sounds lke an amazing woman.
I feel bad we missed you. We went to Primary's to visit last week :( Hope you are doing fabulous!