Halloween was a success, even with the rain drops that continued through our evening. Bronson had to work that night so Damen, Fergie and I went over to the Larsen's house for some Trick O' Treating companionship (groups are always safer!!!!).His costume that night was also a hit. So many people said he had the best costume they had seen all night......thanks Steven for your help. Damen's costume was a Bobble-head Grim Reaper. Fergie wouldn't wear her costume very long as the ear piece and cap drove her crazy!!!Damen managed to get a lot of candy
and ate most of it right when we got home.
When we got home we ordered some pizza
and watched movies until midnight.
Damen and I had fun spending time together.
The first pic is our friend Jeff and Damen. Then the other 3 pics should be familiar faces. Hope everyone had a great and spoooooooky night. :)